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Week1 - Week2: Life and Teachings of Jesus (Book of Mark)Mark 1 - The beginning of Jesus' ministry Mark 2 - A healing, a calling, questioning Mark 3 - Jesus appoints his disciples Mark 4 - Stories (parables) Jesus told Mark 5 - Jesus shows that he is God Mark 6 & 7 - Jesus continues to show that he is God Mark 8 - The disciples confess that Jesus is God Mark 9 & 10 - Jesus predicts his sufferings and death Mark 11 - Jesus is triumphant entry into Jerusalem Mark 12 - Jesus teaches in Jerusalem Mark 13 - Jesus teaches about the end of the world Mark 14 - Jesus is arrested Mark 15 - Jesus is crucified Mark 16 - Jesus rises from the dead
Week3- Week4: Life and Teachings of Paul (Book of Acts)Acts 9 - The conversion of Saul Acts 16 - Paul’s Macedonian call and a jailbreak Acts 17 - Scenes from Paul’s missionary journeys Acts 26 - Paul tells his life story to a king Acts 27 - Shipwreck on the way to Rome Acts 28 - Paul's arrival in Rome Romans 3 - Paul's theology in a nutshell Romans 7 - Struggle with sin Romans 8 - Life in the spirit 1Corinthians 13 - Paul's description of love 1Corinthians 15 - Thoughts on the afterlife Galatians 5 - Freedom in Christ Ephesians 3 - Files summary of his mission Philippians 2 - Imitating Christ
Week5 - Week6: Moses and the ExodusExodus 2 - Moses is born and raised by pharaoh's daughter Exodus 3 - Moses encounters the burning bush Exodus 4 - God convinces Moses to return to Egypt Exodus 7- Moses and Aaron go before pharaoh Exodus 12 - The Israelites observe the first Passover Exodus 14 - The Israelites safely cross the sea Exodus 16 - God sends manna and quail for food Exodus 19 - God appears to Moses on Mount Sinai Exodus 32 - The Israelites worship a golden calf Numbers 14 - The Israelites are afraid to enter Canaan Deuteronomy 1 - Moses reviews Israelite history Deuteronomy 2 - The Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years Deuteronomy 4 - God commands the Israelites to obey Deuteronomy 31- Joshua succeeds Moses as a leader of the Israelites
Week7 - Week8: The Life of David1 Samuel 16 - David is anointed by Samuel 1 Samuel 17 - David fights Goliath 1 Samuel 18 - Saul is jealous of David 1 Samuel 20 - David and Jonathan pledge friendship 1 Samuel 21 - David eats consecrated bread at Nob 1 Samuel 22 - Saul kills the priest of Nob 1 Samuel 24 - David spares Saul's life 2 Samuel 6 - David brings the ark to Jerusalem 2 Samuel 7 - God promises to bless David 2 Samuel 11 - David and Bethsheba sin 2 Samuel 12 - David repents 2 Samuel 13 - David has family troubles 2 Samuel 15 - Absalom rebels against David 2 Samuel 18 - Absalom dies and David mourns
Week9 - Week10: Leaders of The Old TestamentJudges 6 - God calls Gideon to rescue his people Judges 7 - Gideon conquers his fears and his enemies 1 Samuel 3 - God calls the young Samuel 1 Kings chapter 3 - Solomon is given wisdom 1 Kings 19 - Elijah runs for his life 2 kings 5 - Elisha heals a powerful foreign general Isaiah 6 - God calls the prophet Isaiah 2 kings 18 - King Hezekiah under military siege 2 Kings 19 - Isaiah speaks God's word to King Hezekiah 2 Chronicles 34 - Josiah sets his nation back on course Nehemiah 2 - Nehemiah courageously begins rebuilding the wall Jeremiah 38 - Jeremiah, in prison, refuses to change his message Daniel 1 - Daniel risk his life in captivity Daniel 5 - Daniel's word to a royal orgy
Week11 - Week12: Prayers of the BibleGenesis 18 - Abraham's plea for Sodom Exodus 15 - Moses' song to the Lord Exodus 33 - Moses meets with God 2 Samuel 7 - David’s response to God‘s promise 1 Kings 8 - Solomon's dedication of the temple 2 Chronicles 20 - Jehoshaphat prays for victory Ezra 9 - Ezra’s prayer for the people's sins Psalm 22 - A cry to God for help Psalms 104 - A prayer of praise Daniel 9 - Daniels prayer for the salvation of Jerusalem Habakkuk 3 - A prophet’s prayer of acceptance Matthew 6 - The Lord's prayer John 17- Jesus‘s prayer for his disciples 1Colossians 1 - Paul’s prayer of thanksgiving
Week13 - Week14 : Book of James & PhillipiansJames 1- Patience and perseverance during trials and temptations, James 2- Partiality forbidden faith and work James 3:1-12 -Taming the tongue James 3:13-18 -Wisdom from above James 4:1-12 - Submitting yourself to God James 4:13-17 - Learning patience in an instant age James 5:1-12 - Riches and Suffering James 5:13-20 - Prayer of Faith Philippians1- Living in Christ Philippians2:1-11- Joy in Humility and Exaltation Philippians2:12-30- Joy at Work Philippians 3:1-11- Joy in the Knowledge of Christ Philippians 3:11-16 Joy of Prize Philippians4 -Joy in Resting in Christ.
Week15- Week16: Successes & Failures of Kings1Samuel 15 - Saul's Disobedience 2Samuel 24 - David takes a census of Isreal and Judah 2Chronicles 1-Solomon asks for wisdom 1Kings 13 - A message from a man of God 2Chronicles 26- The rise and fall of Uzziah 2Chronicles 15- The reforms of Asa 2 Chronicles18 -Jehoshaphat allied himself with Ahab 1Kings 21- The Lord Condemns Ahab 2 kings 3 - Moab Rebels Against Israel 2 Kings 9- Elisha Anoints Jehu King 2 Kings 11- Joash Crowned King of Judah 2Kings 20 - King Hezekiah’s Illness 2 Kings 21- Manasseh does evil in the sight of the Lord 2 Kings 23 -Josiah restores true worship
Week17: Week18 - Book of HebrewsHebrews 1- Is about the supremacy of Christ Jesus Hebrews 2- Talks about the role of Christ in salvation Hebrews 3:1-11- Jesus is superior Hebrews 3:12-18- Stand firm in obedience and faith Hebrews 4 -The believers rest Hebrews 5- Jesus our High priest Hebrews 6- warning against falling always Hebrews 7-Melchizedek priesthood like Christ Hebrews 8 -Superiority of the New covenant Hebrews 9- Old and the New Hebrews 10- Christ's sacrifice once for all Hebrews 11- We must have faith to please God Hebrews 12- Jesus is our example Hebrews 13 - Through him
Week19-Week20: Nehemiah-(Restoration & Rebuilding)Nehemiah 1: Nehamiah Prayed Nehemiah 2: Inspection of the broken walls Nehemiah 3: Rebuilding of the Ruins (Gates) Nehamiah 4: Opposition to rebuild Nehamiah5: Nehamiah defends the cause of the Poor. Nehemiah 6: Further Opposition to the Rebuilding Nehemiah 7: Hanani and Hananiah put in-charge of Jersusalem Nehemiah 8 : Ezra the priest teaches the assembly Nehemiah 9: The Israelites repent Nehemiah 10:1- 27: The Covenant is Sealed Nehemiah 10 : 28- 39 : The Israelites make a Covenant with God. Nehemiah 11 The people dwelling inside and outside Jerusalem Nehamiah 12 Dedication of the Wall of Jerusalem Nehamiah 13 The Reforms of Nehemiah
Week21- Week22: Kingdom JusticeGenesis 3- The tempation and Fall of Man Genesis 4-The first murder Genesis 6-The wickedness and Judgement of Man Genesis 11-The tower of Babel Genesis 19-Sodom Gomorrah Destroyed Exodus 20- Ten Commandments Judges 6- Rise and Fall of Samson Isisah 38-Hezekiah Life Extended 2Samuel 12-Davids Confession and Repentance Esther7-Hamman hanged instead of Mordecai Matthew 25:31–46-Final Judgement Acts 5 :1-11-Ananias and Sapphira Acts 12:19-24- Herods death 2Samuel - Davids Confession and Repentance.
Week23: Week24 - The Book of Daniel & RevelationDaniel 7 - Daniel's Vision of 4 Beasts Daniel 8 - Daniel's second vision Daniel 9- Daniel prays Daniel 10 - Daniels Vision of a messenger Daniel 11 - Kings of the South and North Daniel 12 -The time of the end Revelation 1-Vision of the son of man Revelation 2-The Message to the Church in Ephesus Revelation 3-The Message to the Church in Sardis Revelation 5-The lamb opens the scroll Revelation 6- The seals are opened Revelation 20- The Final Judgement Revelations 21 - New Jerusalem Revelation 22 - Jesus is coming
What Does the Bible Say
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